My Ex Mary

Posted by: Mary

May 14, 2013

Recent Comments for My Ex Mary (22)
  • Gorgeous little package! Damn!
  • Delightful. I can't figure out why she would be an ex.
  • SUPERB!!! please write me: truemale666@ we can share some adore your fantastic body!!!
  • She's awesome... Where can I find her? Just sayin... Since she's your ex. Marcuswellin@
  • Isn't it a sorry lot that post photos of their Ex's. You realize that could be legal ramifications (well at least in the US) if she finds out and decides to sue you. Just a heads up. I hope you don't like that vehicle you are driving too much. LOL
  • she is HOT but the pictures SUCK get a REAL camera and try again!!!
  • hot body.. i want more blackchevy151@
  • Hi Your ex is Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!!!!! Pretty face. :) ;) I hope to see MUCH more of your ex!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
  • A beautiful dream. Very good
  • for spammers like ncdave that have been posting the same cut & paste comment here for the last 3 years. From one contributor to another, BEWARE!
  • This young lady is quite beautiful. Very lovely figure, too.
  • STUNNING !!!!
  • Mary has a great ass, good for her she dumped you.
  • thats why they are ex's---idiots--i would be so sucking that pussy---
  • A SUPERB 10 all the way A Magnificent Goddess I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses Michael michaelpatrick55@
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